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What is fundamental trading?

Fundamental trading is a method where a trader focuses on company-specific events to determine which stock to buy and when to buy it. Trading on fundamentals is more closely associated with a buy-and-hold strategy rather than short-term trading.

What is stock trading & how does it work?

Stock trading means buying and selling shares in companies to try to make money on price changes. Traders watch the short-term price changes of these stocks closely. They try to buy low and sell high. This short-term approach sets stock traders apart from traditional stock market investors, who are in it for the long haul.

What is paper trading?

Paper trading, or virtual trading, offers a perfect solution, allowing the neophyte to follow real-time market actions, making buying and selling decisions that form the outline of a theoretical performance record. It usually involves the use of a stock market simulator that has the look and feel of an actual stock exchange's performance.

What is day trading?

Day trading means buying and selling a batch of securities within a day, or even within seconds. It has nothing to do with investing in the traditional sense. It is exploiting the inevitable up-and-down price movements that occur during a trading session.

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